Once you've gained access to this elusive 'liking animals' trait, you'll be able to pet any pooch in the game by talking to them. You'll need to be a nature-lover first, with one rank in Animal Friend. Finally, a chance to show some affection to anything in this nuclear-blasted Boston hellscape. Mod creator Sagittarius22 is simply letting you do more than gaze longingly at your pooch. Fallout 4 had many, many dogs in it - some of which weren't even trying to gnaw your face clean off. I prefer to think of Pet Any Dog as less of an add-on, more of a solution. Like so many things in Fallout, mods have arrived to fix this injustice. In a world where dog-rating Twitter accounts are tangibly changing the shape of games, who can afford to take any chances? Despite the return of trusty companion Dogmeat, Fallout 4 didn't ship with the ability to handle any hounds.